Fünf neue Open Innovation Challenges auf PITCCH.eu
Die im Rahmen des EU-Projekts HORIZON geförderte Open Innovation-Plattform PITCCH ruft zur zweiten Runde in diesem Jahr auf.
Die im Rahmen des EU-Projekts HORIZON geförderte Open Innovation-Plattform PITCCH ruft zur zweiten Runde in diesem Jahr auf. Auf fünf Challenges können sich Start-ups und Unternehmen bewerben. Neben einem Preisgeld in Form einer Förderung über 15.000 Euro verspricht das Projekt ein intensives Kooperationsprojekt zwischen den Challenge-Gebern und den Start-ups. Bei der letzten Wettbewerbsrunde konnte unter anderem das hessische Start-up CO2BioClean überzeugen, das nun eine intensive Kooperation mit Procter & Gamble eingegangen ist.
Die Challenges im Überblick
Challenge by Electrolux: Food Recognition APP
Electrolux is seeking an SME or a startup that can develop an Android and/or iOS APP with the focus on an algorithm to use the camera of a smart device (e.g. mobile phone, tablet) to detect and recognize a set of food objects and estimate the relative quantity in number or size. The objective is the features, not the interface.
Challenge by Mondi: Fly Ash as feedstock to specialty materials
Mondi wants to find an SME or a Startup who can provide meaningful solutions to utilize fly ash as an additive to specialty materials and possibly has a technology to compact the fly ash to bring it to the market, improving transport and handling at the customer level.
Challenge by Repsol: Production of Bio-Butadiene from Ethanol
REPSOL is looking for an SME or Startup to develop a cost-competitive Bio-Ethanol-to-bio-BD technology to reduce CO2 footprint from fossil Butadiene production processes and increase the use of non-food and waste biomass as feasible low-cost feedstock.
Challenge by SGS: Automated Samplers for Environmental Monitoring
SGS is looking for a partner to develop an autonomous and portable device for the collection and preservation of eDNA for molecular applications, which would greatly overcome all the above and standardize sampling. An innovative and efficient tool for large scale monitoring of ecosystems and biodiversity, and sensitive enough to detect important anthropogenic/environmental changes.
Challenge by Signify Truly organic 3D printing material
Signify is looking for a partner to develop advanced biomaterials with a bio-origin, where the biomaterial should not degrade in the application, should be 3D printable and fulfil the product requirements like reduced carbon footprint and a new sustainability proposition, temperature resistance, strength, reliability etc.
Weitere Informationen sind auf https://pitcch.eu/challenges/ zu finden. Das Enterprise Europe Network Hessen steht als Ansprechpartner für Rückfragen rund um die Challenges sowie Möglichkeiten der EU-Förderung bereit.
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